Monday, 16 June 2014

Two words: Amazing book

In this opportunity I'd like to talk about one of my favourite books:
Brave New World is the most famous novel from a British writter called Aldous Huxley.
It was written in 1931 and published the next year.
The history is about an utopian reality proyected to the future setting in London, England in which everything is different from now: children bear in test tubes and from birth are determinated to belong to one of the five castes (Alpha, Beta, Gama, Epsilon); also, they receive influences through they are spleeping, like what kind of things they will love to do or what beliefs must follow; everyone is always happy (sadness and pain don't exist); an hallucinogen called soma make people stay healthy and without diseases; famous books like the Holy Bible are forbidden, like falling in love with one person and some terms too. Even, their God is not the God (for catholics) we know. Their god is Ford (Henry Ford).
So, some of the characters that I'll show now (the most important for me) will have to get on very well in this reality.
For example, John, as known as ''The Savage'', although he is not the protagonist (Bernard Marx is actually, a misfit) is very important for the history, because he comes from our era with all of the traditions that stay until today like having parents, or marry with someone, or even the simple act of reading a book and tries to insert in this new reality, where no one can believe that life was like this before.
Other characters are Bernard Marx. Like I mentioned before, he is a misfit and a little bit different from the other people; Lenina Crowne, a nurse that everyone loves; Mustafá Mond, like the ''dictator'', among others.
After all of that abstract, I want to share the message that this book gave it to me: the future could be like this! And seeing the probability of losing our traditions makes me think how life can change and how awful it could be. I want that love, books, family, parents, marriage, etc. stay. By now, we just have to enjoy the present.
Although this book is very strange while you are reading it, is very interesting and I'm absolutely sure that who reads it, will think and compare these realities, that are so far, but so close at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a really strange book, but the message that the book wants to show to the reader is so powerful , and I think the same parents, love , family those things have to stay
